The competition Painting – The VUB Foundation award for paintings by young artists has fulfilled its mission, which is to promote the most gifted professional painters in Slovakia and raise the public awareness of the visual art, for fourteen years.
Get a clearer picture of contemporary young art
The competition Painting – The VUB Foundation award for paintings by young artists has fulfilled its mission, which is to promote the most gifted professional painters in Slovakia and raise the public awareness of the visual art, for fourteen years. We would like to invite you to the exhibition of finalists of this year´s competition MAĽBA (PAINTING), who have been chosen out of 96 competitors by an international jury comprising Daniel Balabán, Róna Kopeczky, Rózsa Farkas, and Dorota Kenderová. The quartet of reputable experts on European fine art guarantees that the collection of 20 works provides the best possible picture of the future development of modern professional painting in Slovakia.
Thanks to the VUB Foundation, the entry to the exhibition is free. For more information, please visit
The current edition of the Painting Competition knows its 20 finalists.
The following artists will compete for success in the next phase of the competition: Jana Bednárová, Peter Cvik, Roman Ďurček, Oskar Felber, Michal Fízik, Monika Germušková Vrancová, Paulína Halasová, Eva Hettmer, Rita Koszorús, Patrik Kriššák, Patrik Kucha, Lucia Oleňová, Samuel Paučo, Margaréta Petržalová, Andrea Priecelová, Simona Štulerová, Eva Töröková, Michal Turkovič, Lucia Veselá and Jana Zatvarnická. Five of these authors had been selected for the final rounds already during some of the previous years of the competition, which only confirms their artistic quality.

The Jury Team for 2019
A total of 96 new artworks by young authors have been assessed by an international jury that always works in a different four-member set up, and this time the female view of modern European painting prevails. This year the current twenty finalists as well as the winners will be chosen by the painter and pedagogue from the Czech Republic, Daniel Balabán, the British gallerist Rózsa Farkas, the director of Východoslovenská galéria (The East Slovak Gallery) and the curator Dorota Kenderová and the Hungarian expert on contemporary fine art and curator Róna Kopeczky.
Another Sequel in Autumn
After assessing the originals of the 20 finalists, at the end of September the jury will select three winners, who will receive the prize money of € 3,500, € 6,500 and € 10,000 along with invaluable references for their artistic future. The best young painters of the year will be announced during the opening of the exhibition of the competition’s finalists in Bratislava’s Nedbalka Gallery.