New Works at the Nedbalka
At the time of the exhibition the depository of the Nedbalka Gallery contained over thousand works of Slovak fine art from the late nineteenth century up to the present.
Vincent Hložník – Messages and Visions
Vincent Hložník (1919 – 1997) was among the most significant founders of Slovak modern art.
Sculptures from the Nedbalka Gallery´s collection – Haptic Studio
With the exhibition “Sculptures from the Nedbalka Gallery´s collection – Haptic Studio the Gallery joined the project Sculpture and Object XIX.
Michal Jakabčic, Viera Žilinčanová – Harmony of Imagination
Slovak painting has undergone several development changes in the latter half of the twentieth century.
New artworks at the Nedbalka
The exhibition presented selected works from the gallery´s depository that have not been displayed before.
Rudolf Uher – Heads
The exhibition was the fourth and the last presentation of artist´s oeuvre in connection with the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Ašot Haas – Inside
Endre Nemes – Visual Poems
Nemes was among the first Slovak artists who turned his eyes away from objective reality towards the inner, often self-tormenting examination