Dorota Sadovská – Angels and Saints
A focal point of the artistic programme of Dorota Sadovská is a body and its representation.
Ladislav Guderna – The Coincidence
The exhibition presented twenty-six works by Ladislav Guderna from the collection of the Nedbalka Gallery, which provide a comprehensive overview of his entire oeuvre.
Ildikó Pálová – The 27 Club
he Club is a list of popular musicians and painters who died at the age of twenty-seven.
Milan Laluha – The Poetry of Composition in Paintings
In the gallery´s collection he is represented by high-quality works from the entire creative period.
Milan Dobeš – Light and Motion
For me the basic means of expression is light and motion.
Glass – Sculpture. Object, Painting, Drawing and Photography
Exhibiting artists: Miloš Balgavý, Ašot Haas, Jana Hojstričová, Patrik Illo, Jozef Jankovič, Oliver Leššo, Palo Macho, Svätopluk Mikyta, Lukáš Mjartan, Štěpán Pala, Zora Palová, Jan Zoričák.
Rudolf Krivoš – Paintings 1958 – 2009. Testimonies – Signals – Messages
The exhibition presented mainly artist´s figural compositions depicting his traditional subjects.
Mária Medvecká – Greeting to the Painter of Orava
The body of work and life of Mária Medvecká (1914 – 1987) were firmly anchored in her native land, Orava.